Poll: Nation Sim DLC - now many nations should be in the game?

Suggestions for new DLC projects.
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How many nations do you like to see in Nation Sim DLC?

One nation only. One currency. Add new features, including but not limited to those suggested in http://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewto ... =49&t=7132
No votes
Two nations. Two currencies. One is a rival nation run by a different government. You could set up businesses in the rival nation. Each nation has its own inflation and economy.
Three nations. Three currencies. Each nation is run by a different government. Each nation has its own inflation and economy.
Two or Three Nations. A single currency. Inflation of all the nations are the same.
I have other suggestions. (Please comment.)
No votes
Please do not spend time making this DLC. It is not the right design direction. Consider other DLC ideas instead.
Total votes: 25

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Poll: Nation Sim DLC - now many nations should be in the game?

Post by David »

With the interest in a Nation Sim gathering steam, the dev team see that it is the DLC concept that is most popular among the community and would like to seek your game design inputs on it. The following are the dev team's initial ideas. Feedback and suggestions are most welcomed!

Some of the features of the Nation Sim DLC
The player can get elected as a president.

The player can control the central bank and change the interest rate if the player becomes the president of the nation.

Monetary policies. The central bank performing Quantitative Easing (QE) by buying bonds from its own government.

Central government bonds.

Fiscal deficit or surplus. Fiscal stimulus at the risk of devaluing the currency. Metrics: Debt as a percentage of the GDP.

Potential features suggested by users to be discussed further
Jason's suggestions:
http://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewto ... 132#p29615

1) Defense = Annual auction for defense contracts in each of the major areas such as Airforce, Navy, Army, Cybersecurity,
2) Education = Government contract for books + digital solutions; online education; tutors
3) Healthcare = Expand on the types of drugs available + medical equipment + allow players to own and operate hospitals for profit
4) Interest rate + banking regulatory changes (eg. change bank capital ratio)

If there are more than one nation:
5 cities per nation on average. When there are 2 nations, there will be 10 cities. When there are 3 nations, there will be 15 cities. More cities are possible if the user's computer can support it.

Military expenses. The presence of a defense industry.

Cyber warfare. Investments in tech and cyber security.

Different forms of governments and political systems. Democracy and non-democracy systems.

Diplomacy. Alliance between nations.

Trade deficit/surplus, trade treaties, tariff.

Land rights - for some nations, the lands are all owned by the government. You cannot buy land and must lease land.

Government owned enterprise - In some nations, there will be more government owned enterprises.

Design Concerns
A multi-currency system complicates things too much and could hinder the user's enjoyment of the game .

For your information: A separate post suggesting a multi-currency system: http://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewto ... =52&t=5939

Please vote on the poll about your opinion of this design concern.

A little bit background info on how we determined that the Nation Sim DLC is the most popular:
We divided the number of positive votes by the number of views for all the DLC ideas and the suggest that Nation DLC got the most interest from community. There are the numbers as of this writing:

Post: Poll: Nation Sim DLC: the player can control the central bank
http://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewto ... =49&t=7132
Positive votes: 23
Number of views: 321
Positive votes / number of views: 7.17%

By contrast, this post: Combining Energy and Realistic Mining in a single DLC

http://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewto ... =49&t=6916
Positive votes: 15
Number of views: 1166
Positive votes / number of views: 1.29%

Other new DLC suggestions have numbers that are generally lower than that of the Nation Sim DLC.
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Re: Poll: Nation Sim DLC - now many nations should be in the game?

Post by james88 »

I would much prefer the team focus on fixing and balancing current content.

For example the city economics and digital age are in desperate need of balance and bug fixes, they are already causing major problems within the banking dlc, this will just be multiplied with nations, something a simple slider won't fix. You can't just keep adding to more and more DLC's without getting them to work efficiency together.

Has anyone even taken into consideration how much the game will be slowed down also, the game can't cope with multiple cities and conglomerates as it is, how will it cope with multiple nations?

Let's be fair, the game is in need of optimisation, balance, and some bug fixing.

Can we not get that before pushing out even more DLC?
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Re: Poll: Nation Sim DLC - now many nations should be in the game?

Post by David »

james88 wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:33 pm I would much prefer the team focus on fixing and balancing current content.

For example the city economics and digital age are in desperate need of balance and bug fixes, they are already causing major problems within the banking dlc, this will just be multiplied with nations, something a simple slider won't fix. You can't just keep adding to more and more DLC's without getting them to work efficiency together.

Has anyone even taken into consideration how much the game will be slowed down also, the game can't cope with multiple cities and conglomerates as it is, how will it cope with multiple nations?

Let's be fair, the game is in need of optimisation, balance, and some bug fixing.

Can we not get that before pushing out even more DLC?
The purpose of the polls is to get us know what the community think and create development plans that align with it. I’m glad that you voiced your concerns.

In response to your concerns, I would like to let you know that this Nation Sim DLC idea is just one of the many ideas floating around in this New DLC Suggestions forum. By no means the dev team will go ahead and develop it. Quite the contrary, like many DLC ideas posted here before, it is highly likely that this Nation Sim DLC idea also won't leave the discussion phase in the foreseeable future.

As a matter of fact, the dev team always place a higher priority on bug fixes and addressing gameplay imbalance over new features, not to mention new DLCs, as detailed in this post: http://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewto ... =14&t=7052

The last DLC, which is the Digital Age DLC, was released into beta about 2 years ago. It is clear that we are taking time and not rushing as far as DLC development is concerned. During this period, the dev team never stopped working on improving the base game and existing DLCs. As you could see in the following links of release notes, bug fixes, gameplay balance improvements, optimization, and AI improvements were major components of these recent updates:
http://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewto ... =10&t=6995
http://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewto ... =10&t=6903

Since reading your post, I've checked the forums and I am not aware of any outstanding bugs or gameplay balance issues for the Digital Age and CES DLC that you referred to. If you are aware of them, please send me the links to such posts so that I can bring them to the attention of the dev team. Likewise, if you have encountered any bugs or gameplay balance issues yourself, it will be helpful if you could post them in the forums so that we can address them.

As for optimization issues, we will also try to address them. Recently a user reported it. You could see my reply at:
http://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewto ... 746#p29673
(I am still waiting for the user to send me the save game file.) I would recommend that you do the same by providing us with your save game so that the dev team could investigate it.

In light of this, I have set up a poll to seek the community's opinions at http://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewto ... =14&t=7197
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Re: Poll: Nation Sim DLC - now many nations should be in the game?

Post by standardplayer »

Posted Additional Ideas about Nation Sim DLC Here:

https://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewt ... 828#p29828
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