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Need help

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:33 pm
by Scarterheyward
first off would just like to say I love this’s beginning to be one of my favourite games of alI time. am having a little difficulty with supply and demand bars tried raising lowering prices have a warehouse too it’s just one shop that the supply bar won’t cap out. I cannot see any bottlenecks they are on full training at the store.the farm is supplying the warehouse. the store purchases from warehouse. Also have a second store which is ticking alon nicely Yours sincerely sonny.

Re: Need help

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 11:07 pm
by Scarterheyward
Update: I managed to fix this by setting prices sky high then balancing the bars as the supply outweighed the bar, it was a bit of immersion killer but hey ho :)

Re: Need help

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:04 pm
by MagnusA
The screenshots are kinda blurry. Are they camera photos of your monitor? A proper screen capture is sharper and easier to read.

The standard way to make a screenshot is the PrintScreen key (usually located in the upper right part of the keyboard).

Re: Need help

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 3:07 pm
by paulwoman
Print screen with those software is very easy to use.

Re: Need help

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 8:03 pm
by Hans_Lemurson
Scarterheyward wrote: Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:33 pm am having a little difficulty with supply and demand bars
"Demand exceeding supply" is almost always a supply problem, not an issue of price/demand.

Look at the Sales Units of your shop, and you'll see that they are at 100% utilization. You have enough fruit in your warehouse, and people want to buy more, but they physically cannot because Sales Staff can't keep up with the demand.

To sell more fruit, you will need more Sales Units. The easiest and cheapest way to do this would be to add another floor to your store. Probably add two. Make it a full 3-story store.

Fun Fact: 1 Purchasing Unit can supply 2 Sales Units!

Re: Need help

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 3:31 pm
by Brutus
Yeah you have three options in this case.

A) Use the optimal sales layout for maximal sales efficiency but you'll have to sacrifice 1 product per floor to do so and won't be able to advertise.


S is a sales unit
P is a purchasing unit.

B) Increase the floors on the shop that has its demand exceeding the supply cap and add more purchasing and sales units for the product that is exceeding the supply.

C) Build more shops of the same type and sell the same products till you fill demand.

Eventually one of these or a mix of these 3 options will satiate demand enough for the supply/demand bars to converge upon each other.

Also plz consider using the PrintScrn Button to quickly take screenshots (you can PrintScrn and then open paint, simply press Control + V to paste the image into an image editing program to save it) ... taking actual screenshots from your phone is barbaric :lol:

Re: Need help

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:55 am
by Greenish
If your farm/warehouse supply if bigger than demand = means you are producing (at farm) or storing (at warehouse) more than your store/shop is buying.

But, if at the same time your store supply is lower than demand = means that your store/shop is not buying enough.

Your can add more purchasing and sales units by adding more floors/spaces/layers (under units there is a plus sign) or add more stores/shops to buy more products from farm/warehouse.

Re: Need help

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2022 7:11 am
by Greenish
Also, if after adding more floors/spaces/layers and/or stores/shops your farm/warehouse supply becomes lower than demand = means you need to build another farm or farms.

I like to keep my store/shops supply a little lower than demand because it means your supply is not taking up space waiting to be sold (it usually comes in and than out = sold). But that is after my farm/warehouse/factory supply is also being bought up and not laying around taking up space (when my supply there is also a little lower than deman). Means I would be producing everything that will be sold asap. Goes from production to warehouse to shop and gets sold almost instantly without delays.