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Stock Holdings

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 5:28 am
by Arcnor
One suggestion I have is that when determining control of a company via stock holdings the holdings should be based on the combined stock holdings of the corporation and of the insurance investment.

If my corporation owns 40% of Company A and the insurance company I control owns 35% of Company A then I should effectively have 75% control of Company A. Insurance companies buy shares to invests in the potential upside. If during the game my Insurance company takes a 35% position in a company to ride the company's stock up then I shouldn't have to sell off shares in order to take control of the company.

I also think it would be great if the shares of private companies I control could be made available to a controlled insurance company. They wouldn't get investment income from an increase in stock price, but would via dividend income.

Re: Stock Holdings

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 7:51 am
by paulwoman
Great ! When you'll do a poll, I'll vote it :-)

Re: Stock Holdings

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 12:15 pm
by Kristo
I think all of this could be achieved, if the devs add option to "transfer owned shares between companies you control for free" - the same way as transfering firms, that was added not long ago. This way you can consolidate your positions with ease. For example:
You control companies A, B and C;
they have 5%, 2% and 10% of corporation ZX;
you can with few clicks send combined 17% of shares to your corporation or a new subsidiary, named Company D.

Re: Stock Holdings

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 11:34 pm
by standardplayer
What about something more like a proxy voting agreement where you retain your shares but, give your votes/control to another individual or entity for a specified period of time.