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To Modders: Defining MOD version in MOD header file

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 3:14 pm
by David
Starting from version 3.3.00, you can define the MOD version in the MOD header file.

The MOD text file should be formatted like this:


Title=<The MOD title>

Version=<The version of the MOD>

Description=<the description text>

Author=<The author of this MOD>

The following are optional lines:
Add Seaport Product=<Product Type>
(Supported in version 3.1.00 or later. You may assign multiple products using the same syntax, like the below example. )

Maximum Product Price=<a value between 20000 and 100000>
(Supported in version 3.1.02 or later. If you intend to create a MOD containing products with standard prices higher than $20000, then you will have to use this statement to set the maximum product price allowed in the game to a value higher than $20000.)



Title=My Capitalism Lab MOD


Description=This is my first MOD for Capitalism Lab

Author=Capitalism Person

Add Seaport Product=Steel
Add Seaport Product=Plastic

Maximum Product Price=50000