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'Retirement Plan' mission - Personal Wealth

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:06 pm
by Berbe
I restarted the 'Retirement Plan' mission several time but could not reach my 1MM$ personal wealth.

I did the following :
- Manage to have beween 200M$-300M$ annual profit
- Regularly checked my CEO salary to set it to the maximum
- Spent the max allowed in public relations budget
- Set up a high dividend (50%)

I managed to merge with another (small) company and spent a lot of time cleaning up the crap it was doing

After 15-20 years of operations I could not get over 200M$-300M$ personal wealth or even 500M$ by using the 'stock market with frozen time' stock price glitch to merge early with 2 companies.

I sometimes have so much money in my company but always so little in my personal bank account... I would like my character to own most of the shares of my company but the price is so high I can not afford that!

What is the key of the personal wealth?

Re: 'Retirement Plan' mission - Personal Wealth

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:13 am
by Skeptical9
I'm suprised you got no help at all... you should build a Headquarter, get a financial departement (i think) and set your salary higher, and you should raise the dividend output of your company (make sure to have alot of shares of your company). I haven't played for a while so i'm not sure of which departments you need to get in your HQ to change those things.

Re: 'Retirement Plan' mission - Personal Wealth

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:43 pm
by jkuanyew
You either do some of these things:

Raise your salary thru CEO's department in HQ
Raise dividends thru HQ - will definitely have a significant impact if you own very large part of company

But with that mission what I did was, at first sell all my firms or set some at an intentional loss, then my company's stock price went down. After that I went on a buying craze, until I owned 100.00% percent of the company, after that I did my best at managing my co. So far I retired at $500m in annual profit, my net worth was around $2.3 bil to $3 bil IIRC. Just a tip, you may want to monopolize oil.