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Move high level officers in corporation

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:47 am
by City Builder

My suggestion seems simple, though I don't know how hard it would be to implement and it seems natural to me.

I hired somebody as my Chief Marketing officer but now want to move her to be my chief technical officer instead, but it appears the only way to do this is to first terminate their employment with me, have to pay them a severance pay as well as take a hit in my relations.

What I propose is that we can simply move the high level officers in our employ to a different department if we so wish to do so, if that requires that they want more salary, then say so and we should have the choice to pay it or then terminate their employ or leave them in their current position.

I think it's silly that I have to terminate employees and take sometimes a huge hit in relations as well as salary just to promote somebody from let's say the marketing officer to the technical officer of my corporation.

Please vote yes if you would like to see the ability to move your officers from one position to another and vote no if you wish to keep the game the same way that it is now.

Re: Move high level officers in corporation

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:19 am
by Cyklonix
I never thought or came across this yet. Nice catch.

Re: Move high level officers in corporation

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:16 am
by Hyronymus
Very nice idea and I don't think it's hard at all: simply include the option to hire a person already on your payroll.

Re: Move high level officers in corporation

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:54 am
by City Builder
Bump - 9 positive votes, seems a good start to trying to get this into the game.

Re: Move high level officers in corporation

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:49 am
by Esoteric Rogue
I don't see a need for it, at least yet. [without having a corporate heirarchy established] Every game you have the same set of available positions (of course). The pool of candidates are fixed at the start and don't change through the years. Thus, there won't be a change in strategy if you pick the right ones to begin with. There is, with high confidence, a generally correct strategy in every given game, with a minor element of player preference.

The Tech O will have the highest research.
The Marketing O will have the highest marketing.
The COO is the only subjective choice, and once determined, isn't likely to change within a game. That is, a player's playstyle isn't likely to change in the middle of a game, and the COO is a playstyle choice.

In my current games, I choose a retailing COO. Without going into detail, I feel I earn the most benefit from the AI monitoring the 4 product prices and advertising in each retail firm. That I prefer a retailling COO won't change in the middle of my game, unless I want to play differently, such as an exercise in not owning any retail stores. If I want to play differently by using a different COO strategy -- which again, doesn't really happen -- then I'm fine with starting a new game.

If a player who fails to use good strategy is allowed to easily erase his mistakes, then we're effectively erasing the benefits of using good strategy. I think the pain of considering firing an otherwise good candidate in the wrong position helps ensures that that mistake only happens once or twice before we learn to make good choices every time. The learning curve for hiring executives is not too steep.