[MOD] Modern World Retro - Complex historical mod

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Re: [MOD] Modern World Retro - Complex historical mod

Post by SchrodingerGargoyle »

Hey Saffgee, do you have any updates on v2.1 or v3.0? I hope progress is running more smoothly now
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Re: [MOD] Modern World Retro - Complex historical mod

Post by saffgee »

Hi, yes I am back in the saddle now - move fully completed and normality has returned. I've already got a new version that I am playing on, but it needs a few more additions and some playtesting before it is ready for publication.

The potentially bigger news though is that I will be moving my Mod to Patreon. The way this will work is that there will be a much more formal update cycle (1-2 updates per month), multiple versions, full source file availability and I'm also hoping for some Mod guides as well. Any proceeds from Patreon (and we are talking VERY small cost here) will go towards professional graphics and banners that will be added to my Mod. I will of course continue to publish updates for free, but these will be 6-12 months behind the Patreon releases. The source code will no longer be available outside of Patreon however.

Its a bit of an experiment, so we will see how it goes. More on this over the course of the month.
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Re: [MOD] Modern World Retro - Complex historical mod

Post by HugoStiglitz »

Awesome work with MW. Been using the MW mod for a while now. Also been looking forward to your work with making Retro.
Very glad to see you are able to work on it again.

Looking forward to the development with Patreon. Hope it comes soon.
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Re: [MOD] Modern World Retro - Complex historical mod

Post by _white_ »

Hi saffgee,

Loving the mod so far, however I have found virtually every consumer good demand to be far, far too high, essentially making everything you can sell to consumers massively profitable even with competition. Eggs/glasses/washing machines, whatever it is I will make massive profits on it with even just a single city.

Is there any way for us to edit demand and lower it across all products? I can see the product config and the demand values in the raw .res text, but I can't reasonably edit it without unpacking first.

Thank you
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Re: [MOD] Modern World Retro - Complex historical mod

Post by rafaeltodero »

I'll give you another view if you'll allow me.

I don't think you need to edit the demand, the way it looks is great.

Think that your goal is to dominate. So if there is a lot of demand, it is because you are not able to meet.

Buy your competitors and increase your product offering until you dominate.
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Re: [MOD] Modern World Retro - Complex historical mod

Post by saffgee »

I can look into this for some sectors, as there have been some additions that can shift the balance in some markets, but the key design principle of ModWorld is that the player should find it very challenging to dominate everything, but still have fun trying. By the time you have enough money to really take on all the new markets, your competitors should already be making serious hay and have massive market share. I appreciate this can vary somewhat depending on your settings, but the best way to enjoy ModWorld is to ratchet up all the difficulty options, use 10 or more cities and then try your best to survive the early game without overreaching. If you do that, in a typical game you will have a good chance of dominating a single industry or two - from there its just a long hard slog to try and out manoeuvre the AI where he has his inbuilt advantages (aka expertise) and take over other industries. If it is too hard to make money, then this slog just gets drawn out a lot longer (=not so much fun).

I would wager that in a typical game you will very quickly be behind the AI in terms of company value (well from begin actually as they start with significant value) and the mod is designed so that it takes you a while to catch them up or even compete properly in all sectors. Simply put, if you are making a lot of profit, then so is the AI and the end game here really is to move up the leader board in terms of overall company valuation and eventually buy out all the rest. Dominating 1 city is easy, dominating 10 is hard and being the overall number 1 company is even harder - but its not designed to be unattainable.
Are you fully vertically integrated yet ? If not, then over time the AI will slowly turn the screw on your required inputs until its almost unprofitable to make the consumer goods anymore. I always play with non static port goods for example and very few consumer goods, so that both the player and AI are forced to make everything themselves, and will often find that inputs become scarce - this adds to the challenge too. If you are not much of a micro manager then pretty soon your margins will thin out and you will struggle more, the first few years of launching a new product are great, but then competition grows and input prices go up and it gets more difficult.

If you are truly finding ModWorld too easy, then I would suggest you push up the difficulty settings. If you max them out and still find it too easy to totally dominate then I'd suggest you give the AI more of a head start or set yourself tough individual challenges to complete. Sure, as a last resort you can set all the demand lower across the board if you know how to work the Mod files, but tbh I am not sure how much fun that will ultimately be as its not really geared or balanced for that.
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Re: [MOD] Modern World Retro - Complex historical mod

Post by howard1988 »

Is Modern World on Pateron now? Can't find it
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Re: [MOD] Modern World Retro - Complex historical mod

Post by saffgee »

Yes sorry - not ready yet. As soon as the newest mod version is complete I will launch the Patreon site. Didn't want to launch it without anything new to put on there ;)
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Re: [MOD] Modern World Retro - Complex historical mod

Post by CulCol »

HI! Thanks fot this great Mod!!!
Could you include in the download and Sources (Data folder) too, would be great!!! Thanks.
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Re: [MOD] Modern World Retro - Complex historical mod

Post by _white_ »

Yes please, a source upload would be fantastic even of the current version. I had great fun with the mod but the extreme consumer goods demand kills it for me, it makes everything from eggs to washing machines massively profitable and makes everyone float in money. Had the same problem with piermario's mod until i divided all consumer demand by 6 and recompiled the mod, was a lot more fun afterwards.
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