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City Competitiveness Rating

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:07 am
by HugoStiglitz
First of all, love this game! Been playing Capitalism 2 and now CapLab for almost 20 years. This game and WSR (Wall Street Raider) will forever inhabit my pc.

Now, there are many things that have changed since the "early days". Among the new features is City Competitiveness Rating.
Regarding that, I see we have access to those figures/rating under the Cities/Industries.

(I use Modern World, so not sure if some of these are not part of Vanilla)
The changes I'd like to see is the ability to view all categories included under Industries. Things missing are those that have no retail. Think, Chemicals, Semi products, SemiConductors, ect.

With the addition of CES, being able to control a city is also amazing. Connecting that to City Competitiveness, could we also have the ability to Select all product classes (in the university to be able to increase the competitiveness of the city)? Again, products that have no retail are not in the list of "fields" the university can focus on.

I've been trying several runs in which my primary focus is being semi-product conglomerate. Being able to supply other companies would be easier to manage if i had access and the ability to modify the city's competitiveness.

Sorry for the random rant. Hope these get some consideration.

(Edit: drinking and posting are hard to do without having to read and edit it multiple times)

Re: City Competitiveness Rating

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 1:43 am
by HugoStiglitz
Been having the itch again to pick this up. Replying to this post to bump it back up.

Any chance this can get some consideration?

Re: City Competitiveness Rating

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:01 am
by David
Thanks for your suggestion.

I would recommend that you create a poll for your suggestion to gauge the community's interest in it. There would be a higher chance that the dev team will implement it if the interest level is high.

You could see some examples of the polls in the Suggestions forum at viewforum.php?f=14