Economic Revival - CES DLC

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Economic Revival - CES DLC

Post by ChaiTeawCelery »

I have beaten every scenario in the base game, but the City Economic Simulation scenarios elude any form of completability for me, I do not understand how I am supposed to even come close to beating these scenarios.

I have made probably close to 15 attempts at beating the first two (Economic Revival and Metropolitan expansion) scenarios, but have had no luck.

My strategy for Economic Revival is to run very low corporate taxes, high consumer tax, and low income tax to encourage business development and job creation, then creating new cities to create markets for the goods manufactured in the 2 starting cities. These new cities also provide the monuments which increase property value and provide city bonuses.
but by the 50 year mark, I'm always 6-8 Billion GDP short of Detroit's GDP goal. It does not seem me and the computer competition can muster jobs nor the profits to increase the GDP enough.

Has anyone at all completed this scenario? Does anyone have any tips they can offer to help me understand this scenario better?

Unfortunately, I do not have any saves to provide.
I believe I have the most updated version of the game.
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